Welcome to ASMA’s Bookshelf
Cosmology and Architecture in Premodern Islam | An Architectural Reading of Mystical Ideas
Architecture and Community
By Leon Krie
Lost Islamic History
By Firas alKhatib
Stealing from the Saracens | How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe
By Darke, Diana
Islamic Architectural in Cairo |
An Introduction
By Doris Behrens-Abouseif
Architecture of the Islamic World | Its History and Social Meaning
By George Michell
Islamic Architecture: Form, Function and Meaning
By Robert Hillenbrand
The Grammar of Ornament
By Owen Jones
Euro Islam Architecture | New Mosques in the West
By Christian Welzbacher
Architecture for the Poor
By Hassan Fathy
First Footsteps to East Africa
By Richard F Burton
Islamic Geometric Patterns
By Jay Bonner
Hassan Fathy: Earth & Utopia (Cambridge Uni Press)
By Salma Samar Damluji, Viola Bertini
Atlas of the Islamic World since 1500
By Francis Robinson
Islamic Art and Architecture
By Richard Ettinghausen; Oleg Grabar; Marilyn Jenkins
Islamic Art and Architecture: the system of geometric design
By Issam El-Said; Tarek El-Bouri (Editor); Keith Critchlow (Editor)
The Art and Architecture of Islam
By Sheila S. Blair; Jonathan M. Bloom
The Dome of the Rock
By Oleg Grabar
Islamic Architecture a World History
By Eric Broug
North Africa: Islamic Architecture
By Anthony Hutt
Islamic Architecture Today and Tomorrow (Re)Defining the Field
By Mohammad Gharipour and Daniel E. Coslett
Mosques: Splendors of Islam
By Leyla Uluhanli
Cairo of the Mamluks a history of the architecture and its culture
By Doris Behrens-Abouseif
Western Islamic Architecture: A Concise Introduction
By John D. Hoag
Architecture in Islamic Countries - Second International Exhibition of Architecture Venice 1982/83
By Helen Thomas
Islam: Early Architecture from Baghdad to Jerusalem and Cordoba
By Henri Stierlin
Ars orientalis; the arts of Islam and the East
By Rabbat, Nasser
Traditional Domestic Architecture of the Arab Region
By Friedrich Ragette
The Mosques of Abdel Wahed El-Wakil
By Al-Asad, Mohammad
The "Qubbat al-Khaḍrā'" and the Iconography of Height in Early Islamic Architecture
By Jonathan M. Bloom
By Spahic Omer
The Muqarnas Dome: Its Origin and Meaning
By Tabbaa, Yasser
Early Islamic Architecture and Structural Configurations
By Kubilay Kaptan
Islamic Architecture Ancient to Modern
By Federico Von Bostel
Draw Islamic Geometric Patterns
By Samira Mian